Its so hard trying to think of all the things that Lake has done this month because I have been planning her birthday for what seems like forever! I just wanted everything to be perfect and I was! We are incredibly lucky and I am forever grateful!
Lake is now walking with her walker, she has not quite managed it unassisted yet but she is getting there. And she loves walking with her walker. Its a dolls pram and she has the biggest smile on her face every time! Her smile is super cute now she has top and bottom teeth!
I think I have mentioned before that I have been dying for Lake to grow some more hair so I can put little pigtails and a pineapple in and although we are not quite there yet, her hair is really coming along now. She looks like a fuzzy each when she wakes up! Its adorable.
Her personality is really starting to come out now, she knows what she wants and she will get it! She is a massive Daddies girl (as I always knew she would be)! It's so cute to see her crawl up to Daddy when he comes home from work and pull up her arms as if to say 'pick me up then' and she greets him with the biggest smile. It literally melts my heart! Even as I write this she is asleep, snuggled up in Daddy's arms. She does give the best hugs! And so does Daddy to be fair!!
For a while now we have switched Lake on to Cow's milk during the day, but she still has formula in the evening before bed, we just find it helps her sleep that little bit longer. She doesn't sleep through the night anymore and hasn't for a while now, she will normally wake about 3-4 am for a bottle, then she will go straight back off. I think we are just used to the wake up calls now.
Like I said, what a year this has been and I look forward to everyday seeing Lake grow up! Right now I am trying to prepare for Christmas as this year Lake will be into everything! I am hoping we have a little walker by then! Although she looks to dinky to walk!