Mini Review: Case App

Ask anyone who knows me, I am the clumsiest person ever. While my friend and family may find this comical, its no laughing matter when you have smashed every phone you have ever had! Yep, I'm a dropper (just like Chandler)! I cracked the screen on my latest phone just two days after I had had the screen replaced!

So when Case App asked me to try out their phone cases, I was more than happy to oblige! In case you don't know Case App specialise in custom phone cases and laptop skins. I just had to try out a personalised design! Its super easy too, just select your phone type and upload your image(s). I chose a collage as I couldn't chose just one photo! Obviously I used pictures of Lake and Jess! You can then chose a matte or glossy finish. I went with matte. Love how it turned out!
They have so many premade designs too, I let Jess chose one for her phone (yes, I caved and got her a phone for Christmas) and she chose this little floral pizza design, too cute.